$150 an Hour or $25 in the Next 7 Minutes
Just in the United States alone, companies spend over $250 Billion a year trying to convince consumers to buy their products and services. That's a lot of money ...
And while the majority of it is spent on advertising, $766 million is devoted to "market research".
You see, understanding how people think and shop, why they buy certain products, etc. ultimately helps companies improve their products and services and make THEM more money.
Knowing this, and that they won't get our help for free, companies are willing to pay people like you and us good money - up to $150 an hour! - for our opinions, because when the dust settles they know they will come out ahead and generate even more profits for themselves.
$150 an Hour or $25 in the Next 7 Minutes

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Where you get paid for your opinions

Discover an unbelievably quick and easy way to give yourself a BIG fat pay raise, without leaving your home or risking one penny of your hard-earned money...

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$150 an Hour or $25 in the Next 7 Minutes
Just in the United States alone, companies spend over $250 Billion a year trying to convince consumers to buy their products and services. That's a lot of money ...
And while the majority of it is spent on advertising, $766 million is devoted to "market research".
You see, understanding how people think and shop, why they buy certain products, etc. ultimately helps companies improve their products and services and make THEM more money.
Knowing this, and that they won't get our help for free, companies are willing to pay people like you and us good money - up to $150 an hour! - for our opinions, because when the dust settles they know they will come out ahead and generate even more profits for themselves.
$150 an Hour or $25 in the Next 7 Minutes